5 Simple steps to combat mental block

5 Simple steps to combat mental block

What exactly is a mental block? Is the first thing we have to answer in order to get to the root of the problem. Over the past months to a year we have been overwhelmed with so much and it at times affects us in ways we cannot imagine. Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated is to be expected and its okay, but we need to know how to deal with it.

According to many sources that I've looked at mental block, as what I'd like to call it has been defined as "an inability to recall or preform a mental action" It has been called by many names (brain fog, fatigue) but often times presents with the same results, it slows down your progress you're in a state of confusion and you might not be able to focus on simple tasks and a general feel of frustration.

I have complied a short list of ways that have personally worked for me to deal with brain fog and to help prevent getting into one.

Get a goodnight rest

Getting enough sleep can greatly help in performance enhancement, accuracy, reaction times and general mental wellbeing. Although no one really agrees on the number of recommended hours of sleep that can be prescribed to an individual it is best you experiment for this on your own. Try and make sure you get enough sleep that will be beneficial to your overall wellbeing and you wake up well rested.

One thing I have found beneficial to my sleep was sleeping at a specific time say 11pm, instead of waiting till you're exhausted then going to bed. Having a set sleep schedule will ensure that your body adjusts and gets used to the routine, that way you get better quality sleep. Also keeping your sleep area clear of anything that reminds you of work, if you're working from your room ensure to close your computer and tidy up before bed.

Create your task list the night before

The worst thing that can happen when you're facing mental block is not knowing what task you have to do and in what order, this further adds on to your frustration and confusion. Every night before sleep make sure you create your checklist of things to do the next day in order of importance this will greatly add on to your productivity and its one less thing to deal will. A checklist will put you at ease and in a way motivate you to go through your day. If brain fog hits you know which tasks are less important and can be shifted to the next day. The whole point of the checklist is so you don't get overwhelmed because you're unsure of what needs to be done, so get it done before you get it done!!

Power naps

These have the power of sleep, but think of them as a shot of adrenaline or a strong cup of coffee. They are great for giving you that much needed boost during the day when your mind just cant focus anymore, plus they are a good mood up lifter. Pro tip: try to keep these under an hour because anything longer will just make you super tired and you'll end up cranky and more confused. Plus it may interfere with your night time sleep. According to the sleepfoundation.org napping aids in reducing sleepiness, improving learning, aiding memory formation and regulating emotions. These are all the things you need in check when dealing or trying to avoid mind block.


Exercise used to be my worst enemy, but I've come to enjoy it after reaping its benefits. Countless studies show the vast benefits of exercise and these can not be ignored, weight management, sleep improvement, and many more. It seems most of my steps are pointing to sleep which goes on to show that ensuring you get your body well rested is the first step to avoiding mental block. But exercise also helps in many other aspects. You tend to feel less tired after a work out, and its something that gives you a sense of accomplishment early on in the day.


This is one of the best techniques to rest your mind. You don't necessarily need to be a professional at this but you just need to get the basics right for it to work. My most important steps in my self defined meditation guide is to follow three simple rules:

  • Turning off all your tech for at least 10 minutes.

  • Find a quite place where you can rest your mind and turn off your thoughts.

  • Breathing, in through the nose and out through you mouth.

This takes some practice to perfect, but doing it even for five minutes daily will help a lot. And last but not least ensure you hydrate through out the day, drinking water is one natural benefit we always tend to take for granted.